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APTA has been providing frequently updated information on the COVID-19 pandemic. Two association webpages now contain new and consolidated information and resources related to telehealth and the profession’s role in national and world crises.

As responses to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve rapidly, especially around the growing role of PTs and PTAs in telehealth and in responding to disasters, APTA is committed to providing the resources you need to stay up to speed.

The association has retooled two important webpages to help guide you through the changed and changing health care landscape: an updated telehealth page and a disaster management page that includes a new guidance document on the role of the PT and PTA in preparing for and responding to disasters.

The telehealth webpage addresses the misinformation around recent changes to private payer and CMS provisions covering different telehealth modalities. It includes recommended resources on what CMS does and doesn't cover, how to approach making a decision about providing telehealth services, and questions to ask payers. The page also links to an extensive question-and-answer resource specifically related to e-visits, one of the telehealth modalities permitted for use by PTs.

The disaster management page has been redesigned with an eye toward both preparing for and responding to a disaster or national emergency. The page showcases APTA’s resource "The Role of the PT and PTA in Disaster Management," a guide to PT and PTA participation in disaster preparation, response, relief, and recovery that addresses essential clinical skills, ethical considerations, and documentation related to disaster response, and more.

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