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Online Comments

Mar 1, 2019/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.

Exploring and Expanding Your CPT Code Inventory

Mar 1, 2019/Column

The 97000 series is key. But wait-there's more.

Some Progress on Opioids

Jun 1, 2019/Column

Payer policies and laws are changing. Still, it remains far too difficult for consumers to "Choose PT."


Apr 1, 2019/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.

Beyond the Law

Jul 1, 2019/Column

What's legal isn't necessarily ethical.


Jun 1, 2019/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.

Consider It a Challenge

Apr 1, 2019/Column

Lower the threat level! Much is at stake.

Guess What? Beer Won't Help

Jun 1, 2019/Column

Follow the evidence, not the most intriguing headlines.

Nation's Capital Hosts Combined Sections Meeting

Apr 1, 2019/Feature

The largest physical therapy conference in the country took over the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in the nation's capital city of Washington, DC, in January. The APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) brought together more than 16,000 attendees-most of them physical therapists (PTs), physical

NEXT Coverage

Sep 1, 2017/Feature

From physical therapy's effects at the cellular level to inspiring stories of resilience after the Boston Marathon bombing, the 2017 NEXT Conference & Exposition brought it all. PT in Motion's conference coverage recaps just some of the events that engaged physical therapists, physical therapist assistants,

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Endurance Training of the Trunk Extensor Muscles in People With Subacute Low Back Pain

Oct 31, 1999/Research Reports


Background and Purpose. Clinicians treating

Leaders Who Inspire Change

Oct 31, 1999/1999 APTA Presidential Address

Occupational Injury

Oct 31, 1999/Letters to the Editor

Methods of Literature Review

Oct 31, 1999/Letters to the Editor

Interpreting Validity Indexes for Diagnostic Tests: An Illustration Using the Berg Balance Test

Sep 30, 1999/Clinical Perspective


Physical therapists routinely make diagnostic and prognostic

“A True Profession”

Sep 30, 1999/Letters to the Editor

Alterations in Shoulder Kinematics and Associated Muscle Activity in People With Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement

Feb 29, 2000/Research Reports


Background and Purpose. Treatment of patients

Pulsed Lavage in Wound Cleansing

Feb 29, 2000/Update