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Oct 1, 2020/Column

View letters to the editor, online comments from readers, and responses to timely questions that APTA poses for member response.

Well To Be!

Jun 1, 2020/Column

A parting request as this column comes to a close.

Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model

Aug 2, 2018/Article

CJR is a payment model being tested for episodes of care related to total knee and total hip replacements (MS-DRG 469 and 470) under Medicare. One track of the CJR model qualifies as an Advanced APM under QPP.

APTA Advocacy in Action: 2019 Wins, and What's on Our Radar for 2020

Jan 28, 2020/Perspective

APTA is taking the advocacy lead on a number of bills impacting the physical therapy profession and the patients we serve that may be addressed in the 116th Congress.

The PTA Differential: How We Got Here, and What's Next

Feb 9, 2020/Perspective

It can be a challenge to keep up even if you’re working hard to pay attention.

Advocacy for Our Profession Isn't a Spectator Sport

Jan 21, 2020/Open Access

During a class I learned about advocacy and its impact on our profession. It was as if a fog lifted.

Hiding in Plain Sight: How You Can Fight Bacterial Contamination in Your Clinic

Aug 18, 2019/Perspective

Here's how to limit potential infections for you and your patients.

The Five Things I've Learned as a Cash-Based Physical Therapy Practice Owner

Feb 6, 2020/Perspective

I started a cash-based practice because I really did not feel that I had any other options.

NEXT 2017 Conference and House of Delegates Reflections

Jul 16, 2017/Article

Five students share their experiences and reflections.

#PTFam and the Postconference Blues

Jul 16, 2017/Perspective

I have never before found a place so quickly where I feel that I belong.

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The Role of Health Promotion in Physical Therapy in California, New York, and Tennessee

May 31, 2004/Research Reports


Background and Purpose. As health care providers,

Pusher Syndrome

May 31, 2004/Letters to the Editor

Reliability, Internal Consistency, and Validity of Data Obtained With the Functional Gait Assessment

Sep 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) is a

Decision Making for Physical Therapy Service Delivery in Schools: A Nationwide Survey of Pediatric Physical Therapists

Sep 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. A nationwide survey was conducted to explore

Ultrasound Efficacy

Sep 30, 2004/Letters to the Editor

“STEPS” in Practice

Jun 30, 2004/Editor's Note

The Role of Genetics and Environment in Lifting Force and Isometric Trunk Extensor Endurance

Jun 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. Our understanding of what different back performance

Effects of Live, Videotaped, or Written Instruction on Learning an Upper-Extremity Exercise Program

Jun 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. Today's health care environment encourages