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APTA provides numerous opportunities to stay informed and get engaged.

Best Practices: Protecting Yourself and Succeeding on Social Media

APTA on Social Media

Facebook: /AmericanPhysicalTherapyAssociation

X: @APTAtweets

Instagram: /APTApics

YouTube: /APTAvideo

APTA Students on Social Media

Facebook: /APTAStudents

X: @APTAStudents

Instagram: /APTAStudents

APTA's PTAs on Social Media

Facebook: /APTAPTAs

X: @APTAptas

Instagram: /aptaptas

ChoosePT on Social Media

Facebook: /ChoosePhysicalTherapy

X: @Choose_PT

YouTube: /ChoosePTvideo

Other Accounts

ABPTS on Facebook: /ABPTS

PTCAS on Facebook: /PTCAS


PTJ on X: @PTJournal

PTPAC on Facebook: @PTPAC and on X: @PTPAC

Also visit our chapter and section websites to find their social media accounts.

For Conferences and Events

For annual updates related to APTA's Combined Sections Meeting, occurring each February use #APTACSM.