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When the purpose of a group is nothing less than "partnering to drive excellence in physical therapy education," you have every reason to expect that group to be doing, well…a lot of stuff. The 2018 annual report of the entities collectively known as the Education Leadership Partnership (ELP)—APTA, the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT), and the Academy of Physical Therapy Education (APTE)—shows how the group has been living up to that expectation while maintaining focus on important core values.

The annual report recaps an important year for the collaborative group, documenting a year in which the partners took action on key initiatives around education research, including the approval of an educational research agenda, cosponsorship (with the Association of American Medical Colleges) of 2 medical education research certificate workshops (aka "MERCs"), the creation of an education research network, and the first-ever Grantsmanship and Mentorship in Education Research (aka "GAMER") workshop to help education researchers refine their abilities to secure grant funding.

Education research wasn't the partnership's only area of focus, however. In 2018, the partners also held stakeholder meetings to develop action plans on clinical education, developed a framework to capture data related to physical therapist education, and provided a webinar and article, published in PTJ (Physical Therapy) on entrustable professional activities. Partnership members also formed a task force to address physical therapy program student debt.

"It's been a busy year for the ELP," said Steven Chesbro, PT, DPT, EdD, APTA vice president of education, who helps to provide staff support to the partnership. "Progress in multiple areas is happening at a quick pace. The annual report provides a good snapshot of 2018, but we intend to keep stakeholders informed on an ongoing basis through the various partners' newsletters and other means—not only to maintain transparency, but to encourage as much participation as possible when ELP partners reach out for feedback."

ELP comprises representatives from the 3 founding member organizations as well as ex-officio nonvoting members representing the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education, the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, and the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. Representatives from various areas of the clinical community—private practice, veterans, acute care, and health systems—also participate in the partnership.

Want more information on the ELP, its history, and resources as they develop? Check out APTA's ELP webpage.

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