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The Marilyn Moffat Leadership Award acknowledges and honors a physical therapist who has made sustained and outstanding leadership contributions at the component, national, international, or community levels that have had an impact upon the advancement of the physical therapy profession.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Physical therapists who are current members in good standing of the association.

Criteria for Selection

Nominees for this award must demonstrate:

  • Significant leadership that has had a lasting impact on the development and progression of the physical therapy profession.
  • Leadership contributions that were sustained and continuous over a 15-year period or more.
  • Contributions leading to a measurable change, revitalization of an idea resulting in change, or creation of an opportunity for change within the physical therapy profession.
  • Exceptional leadership ability within the physical therapy profession through service to their local community, to APTA and its components, or to international physical therapy associations, through elected or appointed groups, elected or appointed positions, or other volunteer capacities.
  • Recognition by peers for their service and contributions to the physical therapy profession and association.

A strong application should demonstrate the following: 

Significant leadership that has had a lasting impact on the development and progression of the physical therapy profession.

  • Sustained and continuous positive leadership contributions.
  • Leadership that has had a lasting impact on the physical therapy profession.
  • Leadership roles that have had a lasting impact on the association.
  • Continuous leadership roles at both the chapter and national levels related to physical therapy regulatory issues.
  • Exhibited leadership contributions that were sustained and continuous over a 15-year period or more. Leadership contributions of an exceptional value to the association and to the physical therapy profession.
  • Leadership involvement at various levels within the association.

Leadership contributions that were sustained and continuous over a 15-year period or more.

  • Contributions leading to measurable change within the physical therapy profession.
  • Leadership roles leading the revitalization of an idea resulting in change.
  • Creation of an opportunity for change within the physical therapy profession

Exceptional leadership ability within the physical therapy profession. through service to their local community, to APTA and its components, or to international physical therapy associations, through elected or appointed groups, elected or appointed positions, or other volunteer capacities.

  • Service to local community.
  • Service to APTA.
  • Service to APTA components.
  • Service to international physical therapy associations.

Recognition by peers for service and contributions to the physical therapy profession and association.

Letters of support that are positive, cite specific examples of professional accomplishments, and provide additional information on depth, scope, and quality in a convincing manner.

What Recipients Receive

An award will be presented to the recipient by APTA's Board of Directors at an APTA national event and an official announcement will appear in an association publication.

Submission Requirements

During the online process, the following documents will be required for upload:

  • Current curriculum vitae or resume of the nominee
  • A letter of nomination that specifically focuses on the strengths of the nominee in relation to the award criteria, not to exceed three pages. Letters of nomination cannot serve as one of the required letters of support.
  • Two letters of support obtained from individuals who can specifically address one or more of the criteria for selection, not to exceed two pages each. (Note: If more than two letters of support are received, only the first two will be considered. The nominator will be asked to remove additional letters.)

Submit a Nomination

The nominations call for the Honors and Awards program is open Sept. 1-Dec. 1. Nominations must be submitted through our online portal by Dec. 1; late submissions will not be considered. Selected recipients and their nominators will be notified in May.

Additional Resources

For questions regarding the nomination process or the award, please contact APTA Honors and Awards.