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Ask 100 students why they are APTA members and we can almost guarantee you’ll get 100 different answers.

Whether it’s a seat at the table when it comes to advocacy efforts, consumer awareness, conferences and networking opportunities, or even things like brand discounts, we can all find value in our membership somehow.

Nine students who are part of the APTA Student Assembly Membership Project Committee all have their own reasons why they find APTA membership valuable.

Read on to find out what their membership means to them.

"I value my APTA membership because it has given me the resources to invest in myself as a professional. A large part of my growth during my time in physical therapy school was due to the mentors I had and the experiences I made connecting with fellow students and professionals at local, state, and national meetings and conferences. APTA membership wasn't mandatory in my program, but the faculty really encouraged us to become members as students, so we could learn how to effectively use our memberships."
-Matt Downey, PT, DPT, California State University Long Beach, Class of 2017

"My APTA membership is valuable because it provides resources and opportunities for me to develop and provide the best care possible for my patients. I feel my patients are better off because of my involvement in APTA. The two greatest values for me are a local mentorship and professional advocacy. A physical therapy community that mentors students and clinicians has been invaluable in my growth as a student physical therapist. APTA is committed to advocating for our patients and profession. In addition, APTA and its members advocate for legislation to increase patient access and to increase opportunities for us to serve our patients. This has been instrumental in helping and mentoring me in becoming an advocate for my patients, not just in the clinic, but also in our government!"
-Jordan Birdsong, Texas Woman’s University, Class of 2018

"I value my membership because it is a way for me to connect to a community that has made the physical therapy profession what it is today. Every conference I have attended has left me feeling more confident as a student, in the classroom, and in the clinic."
-Michael Chiauzzi, UMass Lowell, Class of 2019

"I value my membership because it keeps me ahead of the curve. APTA provides many resources, such as the Pulse, PT in Motion, and Physical Therapy Journal, that prepare me for the future and advance my knowledge as a student and future clinician. It assists me in making connections by providing the APTA Hub and conferences. It provides opportunities for me to develop leadership skills through involvement opportunities, such as project committees, Core Ambassadors, and the Board of Directors. I feel better connected to the profession and better prepared to provide for the needs of my future patients because of my APTA membership."
-Heaven Perkins, Tennessee State University, Class of 2019

"My APTA membership is essential for 3 reasons: the opportunities, the community, and collective action. As a student, my APTA membership has contributed significantly to my professional development. I have earned invaluable leadership experience, increased knowledge about our profession, and meaningful peer and professional relationships by taking advantage of the leadership positions, conferences, and local events that APTA and my state chapter offer. Beyond my individual gains, I have discovered how APTA serves our profession to improve physical therapy in ways that can only be accomplished by working together; to this end, I am committed to contribute by being a member throughout my career."
-Bronte Miller, Stony Brook University, Class of 2019

"I value my APTA membership because without dedicated students and clinicians who advocate for physical therapy and our patients, our profession would not have a voice! Attending local and national APTA events, conclaves, and meetings has increased my ability to be a leader at school and in the community. There's no better way to light your fire than to attend a conference and be surrounded by so many incredibly brilliant, motivating, and inspiring individuals (these people are your #PTFam)! Being an APTA member has helped me grow in so many ways on a personal level, as a student, and as a soon to be professional."
-Ana Guzman, State College of Florida PTA Program, Class of 2017

"I value my membership as a first-year student because it opens up a variety of opportunities to get involved and to be more active in our profession. Between local meetings and leadership opportunities, I have been able to network with fellow students and licensed PTs to gain friends and mentors and continue to pursue more knowledge. I look forward to attending conferences, advocacy events, and continuing my involvement at several levels!"
Lindsay Jones, Temple University, Class of 2019

"I value my APTA membership because of the variety of opportunities and resources that are available to different types of students and clinicians. My membership has helped me grow and adapt to different phases of my career as a DPT academic student, clinical student, and soon-to-be new graduate. Whether it is access to new research, networking opportunities at conferences, financial education upon graduation, or federal advocacy involvement, APTA has supported me through the different phases of my education. It is important to me to be part of a professional organization that encourages my growth as a clinician, so I can better care for my patients. There truly is valuefound in different ways and through different resourcesin an APTA membership for everyone." 
-Sarah Bentley, Mayo Clinic DPT Program, Class of 2018

"I just recently heard a great point brought up by Emma Stokes, president of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. She said: "Where would you be without APTA?" The room grew very quiet, and this question will resonate with me for the rest of my career. We as physical therapists/physical therapist assistants, would be obsolete without the American Physical Therapy Association. First, I value my membership because it enables me to pursue the career of my dreams. Secondly, I value my membership for APTA's continuous efforts to advocate for our profession and our future patients. Lastly, my APTA membership has provided me with opportunities to network with other like-minded students and professionals around the nation at conferences to be #BetterTogether."
-Lindsey McAlonan, Sacred Heart University, Class of 2018

Be sure to view the full list of benefits offered to members. Not a member? Join today! #APTAmember #BetterTogether

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