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"The Good Stuff" is an occasional series that highlights recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day. Enjoy!

Quotable: "There was a time when I felt silly calling the physical therapist’s office over my most recent tweak or twist, knowing the issue would likely resolve on its own over time if I managed it. But the wisdom I’ve gleaned from my visits to that office filled with elastic straps and giant bouncy balls is this: best-case scenario, if I ignore it, it heals, but the underlying problem goes unaddressed, leaving an invisible clock counting down to the next hitch somewhere in my giddyup. In the worst case, it heals badly, the underlying problem deepens, and I’m already halfway to my next injury." -Nicole Vincent-Roller on her use of direct-access physical therapy (Policy Research Associates newsletter)

As above, so pillow: Ben Fung, PT, DPT, MBA, joins a discussion on how to find the perfect pillow. (Forbes)

Stiff person syndrome: Maura Daly Iverson, PT, DPT, MPH, FAPTA, is featured in a podcast on the condition: what it is, what it does to the body, treatment, and more. (

Sole man: Paul Nasri, PT, DPT, offers tips on choosing the best running shoe for individual needs. (CNN)

The opioid crisis on campus: Tracy Thomas, PT, DPT, PhD, discusses the need for campus housing employees to have proper training on administering life-saving drugs to individuals who are overdosing. (The Fauman)

Honoring resiliency: Kelly Leugers, PT, DPT, describes her work in creating The Resiliency Nature Trail at Fort Bragg's Clark Health Clinic. The trail, which helps users explore meditation, deep breathing, muscle relaxation, sensory stimuli, and imagery, was created in memory of U.S. Army Maj. Chris VanWinkle. (U.S. Defense Visual Information Distribution Service)

When winter takes all: John Gallucci, PT, DPT, says physical therapy can help ease winter blues. (PIX 11 News, New York)

Prevention first: Kendall Jno-Finn, PT, DPT, highlights ways to prevent sports injuries. (

The PT's role in tardive dyskinesia care: Monica Leach, PT, DPT, explains how PTs can help individuals with tardive dyskinesia. (Everyday Health)

Stretch goals: Brando Lakes, PT, outlines a brief stretch routine aimed at providing relaxation and focus before stressful events such as a job interview or meeting presentation. (Self)

Quotable: "It’s hard to define the relationship, it’s so personal. I don’t even have their phone numbers. We talk through email. They’re not buddies, but they’re more than that. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I don’t come here anymore." – Marty Tangredi, a hockey official whose PTs helped him return to the game after a debilitating injury. (Greenwich, Connecticut, Greenwich Time)

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