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Have you ever wondered how the McMillan Lecturer is selected? Are you a strategic business thinker able to help move your association’s finances forward? Are you ready to serve your profession?

The call for volunteers to serve on APTA committees is now open. Members interested in serving on the Ethics and Judicial, Finance and Audit, Leadership Development, and Public Policy and Advocacy committees, an Awards subcommittee, or the Reference Committee are encouraged to let APTA know of their willingness to participate. Application deadline is March 1.

APTA heavily relies on its volunteers and needs the best skills, passion, and varied perspectives to build an energetic, inclusive, and innovative corps of volunteer leaders.

Ready to take a lead in shaping the future of APTA? Apply through the Volunteer Interest Pool by updating your profile, then click "Apply for Current Vacancies" to answer questions specific to the committee. Don’t forget to click “Save Changes” to complete your application. Your profile and thoughtful responses to the application question will be read carefully and will help us select the most appropriate, diverse, and inclusive teams possible. For more information, contact Appointed Group Pool.

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