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Sports and Recreation-Related Injuries Top 8.6 Million Annually

Jan 4, 2017/News

A growing number of Americans may be engaging in physical activity, but that also means a growing number of Americans are getting injured while doing so.

Keep Moving — And Giving Back: Get Ready for National Physical Therapy Month

Aug 30, 2021/Roundup

October is coming up sooner than you think. Now's the time to plan for how you'll celebrate the profession — and your role in it.

Your Patients Need To See This — And Act

Aug 31, 2021/News

The PTA differential and proposed cuts to payment under Medicare put patients at risk. APTA makes it easy for them to speak up.

A Physical Therapist by Any Other Name

Sep 1, 2021/Column

A physical therapist known to two kids only as "the Exercise Lady" helped both them and their family in a time of need.

A Look Ahead: Technology

Sep 1, 2021/Article

Whatever the "hot" tech thing is today, it's likely to be something completely different in five years, much less 25 years or more. PTs offer their projections on advances that will aid the profession and the patients they serve.

The Future of Physical Therapist Practice

Sep 1, 2021/Feature

As APTA celebrates its centennial, there's no denying that physical therapy has come a long way in the association's first 100 years. But advancements and changes are expected to be even swifter in the next century as physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students of physical therapy

#FightTheCut Rally, Fee Schedule, and August Recess - Advocacy and Regulatory Update

Aug 25, 2021/Podcast

Get updates on the proposed Medicare physician fee schedule, what we’re doing to #FightTheCut, and how you can help.

APTA Centennial Scholars: 'This Really Bodes Well for the Future'

Sep 8, 2021/Roundup

Looking back over APTA's first 100 years, it quickly becomes apparent that PTs and PTAs aren't the types to just sit back and let the future happen: They'd prefer to actively invest in it — and then build it. That's what APTA's Centennial Scholars Program is all about.

Centennial Events: Driving Our Diversity Fundraising Effort Over the Goal Line

Sep 7, 2021/News

A two-year effort to double funds could hit its mark with centennial happenings, the new APTA HQ — and your donations.

Celebrate Our Centennial From Wherever You Are

Sep 7, 2021/Roundup

From an international summit on the profession's future to this year's Maley Lecture, plenty of opportunities to get in on the celebration.

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The Role of Health Promotion in Physical Therapy in California, New York, and Tennessee

May 31, 2004/Research Reports


Background and Purpose. As health care providers,

Pusher Syndrome

May 31, 2004/Letters to the Editor

Reliability, Internal Consistency, and Validity of Data Obtained With the Functional Gait Assessment

Sep 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) is a

Decision Making for Physical Therapy Service Delivery in Schools: A Nationwide Survey of Pediatric Physical Therapists

Sep 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. A nationwide survey was conducted to explore

Ultrasound Efficacy

Sep 30, 2004/Letters to the Editor

“STEPS” in Practice

Jun 30, 2004/Editor's Note

The Role of Genetics and Environment in Lifting Force and Isometric Trunk Extensor Endurance

Jun 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. Our understanding of what different back performance

Effects of Live, Videotaped, or Written Instruction on Learning an Upper-Extremity Exercise Program

Jun 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. Today's health care environment encourages