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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
May 1, 2019/Column
It can pay to get "on track."
Jul 7, 2021/Article
APTA COVID-19 Outcome Measures, "profound brain changes," updated return-to-sport guidance, and more.
Jul 1, 2020/News
The latest impact factor reports once again put APTA's journal in the top 10 most-cited rehab research publications.
Feb 6, 2017/News
These education efforts were supposed to have taken place after the 2013 Jimmo settlement around the improvement standard.
Mar 16, 2018/News
Now available from APTA's Move Forward Radio: a conversation with Ryan Balmes, PT, DPT, who addresses many common questions and concerns about what happens when the body is recovering from injury and the role of the PT in that process.
Nov 6, 2017/News
Karen Joubert, PT, DPT, treats patients of all ages and levels of fitness and ability—those recovering from injury and those seeking to maintain healthy lifestyles. But with an office in Beverly Hills, her clientele also happens to include famous entertainers and big-name athletes.
Nov 18, 2022/News
Two members have been named to advisory committees that shape codes and code values.
Aug 11, 2021/Roundup
The next APTA Centennial Lecture presentation is about concussion assessment and management. Here are 5 resources to check out in advance.
Apr 8, 2020/Article
Physical therapists who have changed their care models to adapt to the COVID-19 health crisis discussed how they modified their practices in response to the pandemic, and will share innovative strategies to provide physical therapist services to patients in need.
Oct 16, 2020/Article
Federal requirements are aimed at increasing access to patient data. Providers need to understand what's expected of them.