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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Mar 1, 2015/Column
Helping clients hit their personal bulls eye.
Expanded authority to deny enrollment and revoke billing privileges are among CMS's new tools. Here's what PTs need to know.
Mar 1, 2015/Feature
Paying careful attention to practice-related numbers can improve outcomes, reduce costs, and ultimately transform the profession.
APTA's chapters and sections are developing an array of creative, innovative programs for their members. In so doing, they're also helping patients and clients, and advancing the profession.
Feb 1, 2015/Feature
Technological advances highlighted in this issue include nasal cells used in a spinal cord transplant, telehealth kiosks, tips to control technology vendor demos, the risk of medical device hacking, a robotic exoskeleton whose developer is seeking approval for home use, and more.
Lacrosse was named for the stick its players wield. As the saying goes, sticks and stones can break bones. Lacrosse players experience myriad other injuries as well. Physical therapists help prevent injuries and rehabilitate injured players.
Jul 1, 2015/Column
Treatment questions for a workplace injury.
PTs have a role to play in battling a disturbing trend.
Jul 1, 2015/Feature
Physical therapists who treat farmers and ranchers offer advice about working with those patients.
Jun 1, 2015/Column
What can a poll tell us about the value of wellness integration? Part I of 2.