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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws
House position: Telehealth is a well‐defined and established method of health services delivery.
Mar 1, 2021/Open Access
This PowerPoint presentation provides both and overview and specific information about physical therapy education, application requirements, specialties and professional opportunities for students interested in applying to DPT and PTA education programs.
This flyer highlights various aspects of the profession of physical therapy, the DPT education pathway, and provides links to additional resources to find more information.
Jan 11, 2019/Comment Letters
APTA comments to CMS on 2019 proposed changes to the Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care regulatory framework.
This flyer highlights various aspects of the PTA education pathway and provides links to additional resources to find more information.
Apr 1, 2019/Annual Report
See some of the highlights from 2018, made possible through the support and engagement of our members.
Apr 1, 2018/Annual Report
See some of the highlights from 2017, made possible through the support and engagement of our members.
Jun 1, 2022/Annual Report
Our progress is made possible through the support and engagement of our members. Explore highlights of our impact during our centennial year in the 2021 annual report.
May 1, 2018/Resource
Salary data for PTAs by geographic region, employment setting, years of experience, highest earned academic degree, and sex.
Jan 1, 2021/Resource
This data includes the number of PTA licenses issued, as reported by FSBPT, per 100,000 people in each state.