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In response to House of Delegates action (Management of the Movement System (HOD P06-15-25-24)), which states: "APTA endorses the development of diagnostic labels and/or classification systems that reflect and contribute to the physical therapists' ability to properly and effectively manage disorders of the movement system," APTA is in the process of developing a diagnostic classification system for movement system diagnoses. (Learn more about the movement system.)

The APTA Board of Directors adopted a set of criteria to be used by any stakeholder groups developing diagnostic systems/labels:

  • Use recognized movement-related terms to describe the condition or syndrome of the movement system.
  • Include, if necessary, the name of the pathology, disease, disorder, anatomical or physiological terms, and stage of recovery associated with the movement diagnosis.
  • Be as succinct and direct as possible to improve clinical usefulness.
  • Strive for movement system diagnoses that span all populations, health conditions, and the lifespan. Whenever possible, use similar movement-related terms to describe similar movements, regardless of pathology or other characteristics of the patient or client.

The hope is that movement system diagnoses will ultimately span all populations and cover the lifespan. 

APTA Seeks Your Input

Use the draft template below to submit an example of a movement system diagnosis. Download previous examples in Adobe PDF. Reload the form after submission if you want to provide an additional example. Please be succinct. Where possible, add references in support of the proposed diagnosis.

The description of each movement system condition should include all the following:

Description of the movement problem: Key comments from patient/client/family/caregiver about the movement problem. 

General characteristics of a person with this movement system problem:

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