'People Underestimate the Abilities of Older Adults'
As a physical therapy student, it can be overwhelming to familiarize yourself with all the specialties and practice settings in the profession. To provide a primer on the various career paths for PT and PTA students, APTA Magazine touched base with those leadership roles in APTA's different academies and sections. At the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in February 2024, we got a chance to ask questions and get advice from section leaders.
In the coming issues, we will cover each section. In this month's edition, Faith Majors-Culp, SPT, a third-year student at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, and Student Council representative for APTA Geriatrics, interviewed Cathy Ciolek, PT, DPT, FAPTA, president of APTA Geriatrics and president of Living Well With Dementia.