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APTA is working towards providing more resources for our spanish-speaking patients and members of our profession.

As part of our efforts to empower a diverse profession, APTA offers physical therapy resources in Spanish. Resources on this page include clinical practice guideline, PTJ articles, Learning Center courses,  ChoosePT flyers, and links to patient handouts from the Rehabilitation Reference Center. The range of offerings will continue to grow.

Translation of these resources is only one facet of our work: APTA also collaborates with the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Region of the Americas, and supports Rehabilitation 2030, a WHO effort to raise the profile of rehabilitation as a health strategy.

En español

Como parte de nuestros esfuerzos por potenciar una profesión diversa, APTA ofrece recursos de fisioterapia en español. Los recursos en esta página incluyen pautas de práctica clínica, artículos de PTJ, cursos del Learning Center, folletos de ChoosePT y enlaces a los folletos para pacientes del Centro de referencia de rehabilitación. La gama de recursos seguirá creciendo.

La traducción de estos recursos es solo una faceta de nuestro trabajo: APTA también colabora con la Organización Panamericana de la Salud / Organización Mundial de la Salud, región de las Américas  y apoya la Rehabilitación 2030, un esfuerzo de la OMS para elevar el perfil de la rehabilitación como una estrategia de salud.

Recursos para fisioterapeutas

APTA ofrece recursos de fisioterapia en español. Los recursos en esta página incluyen pautas de práctica clínica, artículos de PTJ, cursos del Learning Center, del Centro de referencia de rehabilitación.

acceder a estos recursos

Resources in Spanish

APTA offers physical therapy resources in Spanish. Access resources such as clinical practice guidelines, PTJ articles, Learning Center courses, and information for consumers.

Access These Resources

Become part of our community.

Internationally-educated PTs who live outside the U.S. are not eligible for APTA membership, but you can still be a part of our community: Become an International Affliate for an annual subscription of $50 US. Benefits include a discount on in-person registration for the annual APTA Combined Sections Meeting.

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Connect, Learn, Grow

The Internationally Educated PTs community is a space for internationally educated PTs to provide networking opportunities for members and potential members, including seeking information, sharing their experiences of license transfer, education, work opportunities, and overcoming challenges along the way.

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