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What it measures:

The QOL-AD is a 13-item questionnaire designed to provide both a patient and a caregiver report of the quality of life (QOL) for patients who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer Disease (AD) (Logsdon, Bibbons, McCurry, & Teri, 1999).

The 15-item QOL-AD includes an additional four items, including the ability to take care of oneself, live with others, make own life choices, and people who work within the residential setting (Edelman, Fulton, Kuhn, and Chang, 2005). Two items related to money and marriage were eliminated to better represent people living in a residential setting. Wording was changed in three items from “self as a whole” to “self-overall,” and “ability to do chores” to “ability to be busy,” and “life as a whole” to “life overall.” Items on this adapted QOL-AD are rated by residents with the original 4-point scale (poor, fair, good, excellent).

Target Population:

This summary contains information on the QOL-AD in patients or clients with AD

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