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Evidence-Based Practice Resources

Members have unlimited access to resources previously housed at PTNow: Article Search, CPGs, tests and measures, and more!

Peer Review

Nov 5, 2019/Article

Peer review is a system by which peers with similar areas of expertise and licensure assess the care of a provider, using accepted practice standards and guidelines.

Academic Faculty Development

Jan 1, 2020/Article

These resources provide faculty development opportunities within APTA, as well as higher education organizations.

Work at APTA

APTA is the trusted leader for the physical therapy profession, representing more than 100,000 PTs, PTAs, and physical therapy students.

Clinical Educator Development

Clinical educator development is intended for health care providers who work primarily in a clinical setting and are interested in developing their teaching abilities.

Physical Therapy Documentation of Patient and Client Management

Documentation is critical to ensure that individuals receive appropriate, comprehensive, efficient, person-centered, and high-quality health care services.

APTA Women's Leadership Summit

Join us for APTA's inaugural Women's Leadership Summit on July 20, 2024 at the Kansas City Convention Center.

PT Fund Celebration of Diversity

Join us on Feb. 15 for this fun and important event at APTA CSM to benefit the Minority Scholarship Fund.

Building Our Community

We connect you with peers who share your passion for advancing the profession and transforming society.

Virtual NEXT

Virtual NEXT provides more than 20 courses with related CEUs, plus several special sessions and live events, for $20 for members.