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Clinical Practice Guideline Development

APTA supports the development of CPGs to reduce unwarranted variation in care and improve the value of care.

APTA Glenohumeral Joint OA Clinical Practice Guideline Now Available

May 12, 2023/Review

The new resource, designed specifically for PTs and PTAs, includes evidence-based and best-practice recommendations.

APTA Clinical Practice Guidelines Development Manual

Jul 28, 2023/Resource

APTA is committed to helping PTs and PTAs develop, synthesize, and use credible evidence. Clinical practice guidelines are essential tools in this process.

Clinical Recommendations to Guide Physical Therapy Practice for Huntington Disease

Feb 4, 2020/CPG

This clinical practice guideline suggests that physical therapy interventions may improve fitness, motor function, and gait in persons with Huntington disease.

No. 397 – Conservative Care of Urinary Incontinence in Women

Apr 1, 2020/CPG

This clinical practice guideline provides evidence for assessment and conservative care for urinary incontinence in women, including pelvic floor muscle training, bladder training, and other adjunctive therapies.

Osteoarthritis: Care and Management [NICE CG177]

Dec 11, 2020/CPG

This guideline provides recommendations for the management of adults with osteoarthritis.

Vulvodynia 2013 Guideline Update

Apr 1, 2014/CPG

This guideline presents recommendations for the management of vulvodynia. Vulvodynia is a complex disorder that can be difficult to treat. Most patients describe it as burning, stinging, irritation, or rawness.

Official American Thoracic Society Technical Standards: Spirometry in the Occupational Setting

Apr 15, 2014/CPG

Official American Thoracic Society Technical Standards: Spirometry in the Occupational Setting

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Management of Hip Fractures in Older Adults

Dec 3, 2021/CPG

Management of Hip Fractures in the Elderly

Shoulder Injury Medical Treatment Guidelines

Feb 1, 2015/CPG

These guidelines are for physicians/providers treating individuals qualifying under Colorado's Workers' Compensation Act as injured workers with upper extremity involvement.