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Showing results for "cjr" sorted by relevance

Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model

Aug 2, 2018/Article

CJR is a payment model being tested for episodes of care related to total knee and total hip replacements (MS-DRG 469 and 470) under Medicare. One track of the CJR model qualifies as an Advanced APM under QPP.

CMS Wants to Scale Back CJR Bundling Program for TKA, THA; Proposes Cancelling Bundle Program for Cardiac Care, Eliminating Expansion...

Aug 16, 2017/News

CMS wants to significantly scale back the knee and hip joint replacement bundled care model and plans to cancel expansion of bundled care models to cardiac care and hip/femur fractures.

Final CMS Bundling Rule Reduces Number of Mandated Participants, Expands Possibilities for PTs

Dec 1, 2017/News

CMS issued a final rule that includes a scaled back knee and hip joint replacement bundled care model and cancellation of a plan to expand bundled care models to cardiac care and hip and femur fractures.

Medicare Bundled Care Programs

Mar 9, 2018/Article

CMS is ramping up its use of bundled care models, including limited use of a mandatory bundling program in some parts of the country.

Alternative Payment Model Contracting Guide

Jun 1, 2017/Article

Get up to speed on terminology, questions to ask yourself, and factors to consider before you develop a contract to participate in an APM.

Tracking Changes in the Regulatory Environment

Jun 1, 2017/Column

Updates, tips, and resources.

Separate Studies, Similar Conclusions: Bundling for Knee, Hip Replacement Seems to be Working

Jan 8, 2020/Review

Two studies of bundled care conclude that, at least for lower extremity joint replacement the models seem to be working.

Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)

Oct 24, 2011/Clinical Summary

PTs also identify postoperative complications, both in the postoperative period and years later.

Stay on Top of Medicare Changes With Latest APTA Fact Sheets

Feb 5, 2017/News

APTA has resources to help you navigate your way to safe harbor.

Analysis of Hospital System's LE Joint Replacement Bundling Programs Reveals Significant Drop in Expenditures

Feb 14, 2017/Review

If the experience of one hospital system is any indication, facilities have reason to expect overall Medicare expenditures to drop.

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Hospitals Did Not Increase Acute Occupational Therapy Provision Despite Positive Associations With Hospital Performance Under Medicare's Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Program.

Feb 17, 2025/Academic Journal

Li, Jun, Monti, Yvonne, Ryan, Andrew

CJR model requires CDI evolution.

Apr 30, 2016/Periodical

Newell, Shannon

Risk-Adjusted Cost Performance for 90-Day Total Hip Arthroplasty Episodes: Comparing US Hospitals Nationwide Before CJR.

Nov 30, 2020/Academic Journal

Schilling, Peter L., He, Jason, Chen, Sarah, Placzek, Hilary, Bini, Stefano A.