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State Regulations provide links to pertinent sections of each state workers’ compensation authority website, as well as answers to commonly asked questions regarding coverage of physical therapy services in workers’ compensation.
State Regulations
State Regulations provide links to pertinent sections of each state workers’ compensation authority website, as well as answers to commonly asked questions regarding coverage of physical therapy services in workers’ compensation. If summary information is not available for your state, download the State Resource Guide listed below.
ICD-10 and Workers' Compensation
- Property and Casualty/Workers Compensation Readiness for ICD-10
- APTA's ICD-10 Resources
Market Basket Comparison
The workers’ compensation market basket is the sum of maximum payment for 5 physical medicine procedure codes in an outpatient practice setting. It is developed for comparison purposes only. In no way is it intended to reflect how much a practitioner will be paid for any given date of service. Market basket data is provided for each state workers’ compensation fee schedule, for the Medicare fee schedule in that state, and is further reported as a percentage of Medicare for each state. National averages are also reported to enable states to compare to national averages.
State Resource Guide
See our map outlining where physician referral is required under workers' compensation (pdf).
This content will be updated as additional resources are identified. Send a request to if you have content suggestions or corrections.
Interactive Workers Compensation Map
Click on your state for more information.