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Workers' compensation is an important benefit that can be a lifeline for an injured employee. PTs and PTAs often have important roles to play in providing care under the program; but like any other payment system, it's important to understand how it works.

Here are a few helpful sources for more information on workers' compensation.

  • Workers' Compensation State Resources. Find out more about workers' compensation in your state, including how to contact the relevant state agencies.
  • Adoption of Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction by Nonfederal Payers. Several private and workers' compensation payers are implementing the CMS multiple procedure payment reduction policy that reduces the practice expense part of payment to PTs in all settings
  • APTA Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy OHSIG. The Occupational Health Special Interest Group facilitates professional development, shares current information, identifies opportunities for collaboration among related organizations, and supports physical therapist practice and research initiatives. OHSIG is a resource for professionals, professional organizations, and regulatory agencies related to the health and productivity of the work force, including links to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration.

Beyond Workers' Compensation

While physical therapy has an important role to play in helping injured employees receiving workers' compensation benefits, APTA is also  increasing the profession's footprint in population health, including employee wellness and injury prevention. Visit The PT's Role in Promoting a Productive and Healthy Workforce for related information.

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