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Showing results for "title and term protection" sorted by relevance

The Importance of Term and Title Protection

Oct 1, 2019/Open Access

Physical therapy is not a generic term. It describes the care and services provided by or under the direction of a licensed physical therapist.

Term and Title Protection Advocacy

Words matter. The use of "physical therapy," "physiotherapy," and the PT, DPT, and PTA titles should be restricted to qualified professionals.

Roundup: Statehouses Buzzing With Physical Therapy Legislation

Mar 28, 2017/News

APTA has been working closely with its state chapters to advocate for the profession during a packed legislative year.

Consumer Protection Through Licensure of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants

Sep 29, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Consumer Protection Through Licensure of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants.

Members-Only Payment Advocacy Resource Collection Grows

Mar 21, 2023/News

The resource center, created by APTA and APTA Private Practice, now offers information on MPPR, the PTA differential, and more.

Digital Health Companies Respond to APTA Efforts for Consumer Transparency

Sep 12, 2022/News

To date, nine companies have pledged that PTs will be involved in any services promoted as physical therapy.

Telehealth Physical Therapy Is Provided by Licensed Therapists, Not Technology

Sep 22, 2021/Statement

While APTA recognizes telehealth as a component of physical therapist practice, we challenge any reference to physical therapy by technology companies, products, or applications for products that are not directed and delivered by a physical therapist.

Board of Directors and Volunteers Whistleblower Protection

Feb 3, 2021/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: This policy is intended to encourage and enable members of the Board of Directors and volunteers to raise serious concerns internally so that APTA can address and correct inappropriate conduct and actions.

APTA, NATA Adopt Joint Policy Principles

Feb 4, 2021/Open Access

APTA and NATA jointly release policy principles to advance public health and better meet the needs of their patients. This document demonstrates shared language and understanding in support of optimal patient care.

APTA Digital Health Transparency Campaign

APTA is asking digital health providers to make the following commitment: Digital "physical therapy" services are only performed or directed by licensed PTs.

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Clinical nurses' legal roles, challenges, and responses to enabling legislation in China: a qualitative study.

Oct 17, 2024/Academic Journal

Wang, Xiaolong, Xiao, Huipeng, Xing, Yufei, Yuwen, Weichao, Yu, Jiajia, Shang, Shuhui, Zhang, Enming, Dai, Zhengyue, Fang, Qiong

Transgender Boy Allowed to Try Out for Tennessee High School Boys' Golf Team.

Aug 8, 2024/Periodical

Houghton, Emily J., Zonder, Erica J.
Subjects: TRANSGENDER people; HIGH school boys; TENNESSEE

Measuring universal health coverage to ensure continuing care for older people: a scoping review with specific implications for the Iranian context.

Jul 31, 2021/Academic Journal

Jebeli, Seyede Sedighe Hosseini, Rezapour, Aziz, Rosenberg, Megumi, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar

Use of Protection Motivation Theory, Affect, and Barriers to Understand and Predict Adherence to Outpatient Rehabilitation

Nov 30, 2008/research-article

Background and Purpose

Protection motivation theory (PMT) has

Changes in Body Weight After Total Hip Arthroplasty: Short-term and Long-term Effects

Apr 30, 2012/Research Reports


Elevated body weight is associated with hip osteoarthritis

Prognostic Factors for Recovery in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review

Aug 31, 2012/Research Reports


Few data are available on predictors for a favorable

The Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator: A Case Study Illustrating Physical Therapy Implications and Management in the Inpatient Setting

Sep 24, 2018/Cardiovascular/Pulmonary

AbstractBackground and</p> </div> <div class="mb-40px"> <a class="h5 fw-700 fs-25px color-gray-700 mb-7px d-inline-block" href="" title="Efficacy of Directional Preference Management for Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review">Efficacy of Directional Preference Management for Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review</a> <p class="text-uppercase text-muted ff-apta-sans fw-600 fs-14px"> Apr 30, 2012<span class="mx-2">/</span>Research Reports </p> <p><Content><abstract><sec><title>Background

Providing specific treatment based on symptom response

Associations of Supported Treadmill Stepping With Walking Attainment in Preterm and Full-Term Infants

Oct 31, 2009/Research Reports


Treadmill training in supported stepping has been

Resistive Inspiratory Muscle Training in People With Spinal Cord Injury During Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Nov 30, 2014/Research Reports


People with spinal cord injury (SCI) may benefit