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Reckoning With Reentry

Apr 1, 2020/Feature

Stepping out from full-time practice looks different from how it once did. The options during and after a hiatus vary for PTs and PTAs.

Compliance Matters: Where the Improvement Myth Remains the Standard

Apr 1, 2020/Column

More nonfederal payers must consider changing their policies. Here's what APTA is doing and how you can help.

Cost Analysis

Apr 1, 2020/Column

A PT gets schooled by her employer.

Professional Pulse

Apr 1, 2020/Magazine

Health Care Headlines; APTA Leading the Way; Student Focus; APTA Member Value

The Potential for Delivering Skilled Maintenance under Non Federal Payer Policies

Jun 19, 2019/Article

Some commercial payers have adopted language and or revised policies to remove the improvement standard or to cover skilled maintenance therapy.

Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model

Aug 2, 2018/Article

CJR is a payment model being tested for episodes of care related to total knee and total hip replacements (MS-DRG 469 and 470) under Medicare. One track of the CJR model qualifies as an Advanced APM under QPP.

Patient Driven Payment Model

The PDPM is a shift away from volume-driven SNF payment to a model that focuses on the unique characteristics, needs, and goals of each patient.

Well To Be!

Jun 1, 2020/Column

A parting request as this column comes to a close.


Jun 1, 2020/Magazine

View online comments from members and letters to the editor.