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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Nov 22, 2019/News
The physical therapy profession can breathe a little easier after convincing the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to back off from some of its more troubling proposals around work done by physical therapist assistants (PTAs) in the final 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS).
Apr 26, 2019/News
Believe it or not, there's much more going on in Washington, DC, than the stuff that becomes fodder for late-night talkshow hosts. Important legislation is being considered, and APTA and its members are there to advocate for changes that help the physical therapy profession's ability to deliver patient-centered
May 8, 2019/Article
According to the CDC. among people who experience severe joint pain from OA, a third don't engage in any physical activity.
May 6, 2019/News
Bundled care models for total joint arthroplasty may be popular with payers and policy makers, but do they work for patients? One study says yes.
Apr 30, 2019/News
There may be just about as many approaches to battling the opioid crisis as there are organizations committed to the fight—but now APTA and more than 100 other groups will be sharing experiences and learning from each other by way of a collaborative effort led by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).
Apr 29, 2019/News
Working across health care disciplines isn't a pipe dream: it's an increasingly important fact of professional life for physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapists assistants (PTAs). And physical therapy education programs are helping future PTs and PTAs respond to this reality by adapting curricula
May 7, 2019/News
Turns out 1969 wasn't all Woodstock and moonwalks: the year was also an important date for what has become a crucial part of the physical therapy profession—the physical therapist assistant (PTA). This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first graduates of PTA education programs. To honor that milestone,
May 1, 2017/Feature
We Imagined. We Discovered. We Grew. In her introductory remarks to the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties ceremony for newly certified clinical specialists, the traditional opener to the Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), APTA President Sharon Dunn, PT, PhD, announced that CSM 2017 would be
May 23, 2020/Members Only
We make it easy for APTA members to send prewritten letters to their legislators. Take action in a matter of seconds!
Feb 9, 2023/Website
The Guide is the description of physical therapist practice for use by PT and PTA educators, students, and clinicians.